Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Read the Bible!

The Bible

The greatest book I have ever read and will continue to read! I have to say its a historical book that tells us who we are, why are we here, and where are we headed. Part of it are war stories, some stories of the rise and fall of a nation, other parts are nuggets of wisdom, some are well-crafted poetry, some are a story of a man who died and rose again, some are the disciples who devoted their lives according to God's commission... and the list goes on.

I encourage you to read it. Get a version where you're comfortable with. Then look for a Bible reading plan, follow it. Set a time or a date for it. Pray before reading, ask for guidance.

Right now, I use a chronological plan well fashioned by cover2cover visit this site http://www.cover2cover.org. If you cant grab one, I suggest you go for the Daily Bread, then search the internet with other bible reading plan.

I forgot to tell you, above all that I like in reading the Bible, the words of God are alive and powerful!


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