Friday, November 24, 2006

Because God was with Joseph

Early in his life, he was nearly killed by his brothers.
He was rather thrown into a cistern and later on sold to some
merchants. Then these merchants sold him to one of the officials of
Egypt, captain of the Guard.

But because God was with him, He prospered him and gave success. Even
his boss saw that God was with him to the point that he entrusted
everything to him. His boss too, was blessed. From thereon, he was molded
to be a leader, a manager. He was such a discplined man, he was able
to stay away from temptation.

He was wrongly accused thereafter and was sent to jail. But still the
Lord was with him and he was shown kindness. Now, he was raised to a
position where he was in charge of all those in prison, was made responsible
for all that was done there.

He was remembered by a former prison mate, and with the hand of God, he got out
and at the age of 30. Guess what? At this age, next to Pharaoh, he was in charge of the
whole country.

For more details read Genesis Chapter 37, 39-41.

Is this because of luck that he made it to the top? Is it because of attitude?
I think its because God was with Him. Always stay in tuned with Him, there will be
always trials, circumstances, but who knows where will you be on the coming years?
Be the best of what God made you to be!


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