Monday, October 16, 2006


I just recently had our DirectWithHotels Ltd. company outing at Caylabne Bay resort( I have to say I had fun! I had to run on tires for the relay, play treasure hunt.

The most interesting part of the games is I have to be a candidate for the Ms. DirectWithHotels Ltd. 2006. I had some tips from my girl officemates how to be a beauty contestant. Chin up, shoulder back, tummy-in (man, this is the hardest part.. hehehe), sway my hips and walk in straight line. My face was colored with make up and dress up like a girl(of course). Well, I sang! Unfortunately, my boss, my team leader (also a candidate) won. I am no match with his(her hehehe) talent. He(she) played a classic with a guitar. Also, his(her) gown was very well done.
Anyway, one thing I conquered here is the fear of people make fun of me. I conquered fear and I enjoyed it!

The next day, I went on swimming with my office mates, one portion there is eight feet deep. For you to know, I am no expert in swimming. So, I stay hanging on the sides of the pool. But then, I tried and did swim across the pool on the portion where its eight feet deep! Wow! I did it! I suddenly realized, it only takes courage, belief in self to conquer!

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent! You should reward yourself with an inspirational poster for your office.

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